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That depends on what discipline you're studying.

In Physics: the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium.

• the maximum difference of an alternating electrical current or potential from the average value.

In Astronomy: the angular distance of a celestial object from the true east or west point of the horizon at rising or setting.

In Mathematics: the angle between the real axis of an Argand diagram and a vector representing a complex number.

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Q: Amplitude is the measurement of what?
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What is the measurement of a amplitude?

Decibels probably

The hight of a wave?

The height of a wave is also known as its amplitude. More generally, the amplitude is "how much some measurement changes" - this measurement need not always be a height.

. Which characteristic measurement of a wave is identified by the letter A on the diagram below?

The characteristic measurement identified by the letter A on the diagram is the amplitude of the wave. Amplitude refers to the maximum displacement of a wave from its equilibrium position.

Of What is amplitude a measurement.?

Distance between the peakes and troughs in a waves oscillations.

How do you convert hz to decibles?

You don't. Hz (always capitalized) is the unit for measuring frequency or pitch. dB is the unit for measuring amplitude or relative loudness of the sound. You cannot convert a frequency measurement to an amplitude measurement.

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Amperes Hertz Watts

The Richter magnitude of an earthquake is determined from the .?

measurement of the amplitude of the largest seismic waves

What is the measurement of how loud or soft a sound is called?

The measurement of how loud or soft a sound is called its amplitude or intensity. This is typically measured in decibels (dB).

Half the vertical distance between the crest and through of a wave is called the?

The vertical distance between a wave's midpoint and its crest or trough is called is peak amplitude. This differentiates this measurement from the vertical distance from a crest to a trough, which is called its peak-to-peak amplitude.

What do you call the measurement of a wave magnitude of oscillation?

The measurement of a wave's magnitude of oscillation is called amplitude. It represents the maximum displacement of a particle in a medium from its rest position during one complete wave cycle.

What point of a wave has negative amplitude?

A point on a wave with negative amplitude is a trough. The trough is the lowest point on a wave where the amplitude is negative, representing the minimum displacement from the equilibrium position.

What is the SI unit of the amplitude of a wave?

The SI unit of the amplitude of a wave is meters (m).