

An Albedo of 60 percent means?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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It means 60% of the light that hits it is reflected off of it.

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Q: An Albedo of 60 percent means?
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What does 60 percent equals as a percent?

60 percent as a percent is 60%

Does sixty percent means the same as 60 over 60?

No, sixty percent means 60 over 100.

What does it mean to say that the earth has an albedo of 33 percent?

An albedo of 33 percent means that 33 percent of the sunlight that hits the Earth's surface is reflected back into space. This value is a measure of how reflective the planet's surface is. A higher albedo indicates more reflection and less absorption of solar radiation.

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(60)*1.40=84 This means 60 times 100 percent + 40 percent.

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35% of 60:= 35% * 60= 0.35 * 60= 21

Is a planet with an albedo of 10 percent absorbs 10 percent of the sunlight that strikes it and reflects the other 90 percent True or False?

False. A planet with an albedo of 10 percent reflects 10 percent of the sunlight that strikes it and absorbs the other 90 percent.

What is a planet's reflectivity called?

A planet's reflectivity is called its albedo, which is a measure of how much sunlight is reflected by the planet's surface. A high albedo means more light is reflected, while a low albedo means more light is absorbed. Albedo can affect a planet's climate by influencing its temperature.

What is60 percent in decimal?

60% means 60/100 = 0.6 =====

How does snow affect the earth's albedo?

Albedo means how reflective the earth is. Snow increases the earth's albedo by reflecting more of the sun's radiation.

How do you turn 60 percent into a fraction?

60 percent means 60 out of 100 because "PERCENT" means per cent or per onehundred. so 60% is 60/100 in fraciton form other fractions that equal the same as 60% are 30/50 15/25 3/5

What number is 0.7 percent of 60?

Percent means hundredths, so the answer is 0.7 x 60 /100 which is 0.42