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An acre is an area of land equivalent to a rectangle 660*66 ft in size, or 43560 square feet.

43560 / 250 = 174.24 feet. ■

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Q: An acre with long side 250ft how long is the short side?
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How long is each side of a 40 acre square?

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How many feet in one side of one acre which is perfectly square?

Each side of a square acre is: 208.7 feet long.

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What is the dimension of a one acre lot?

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How long is each side of a 10 acre square?

220 yards (= 1 furlong).

How many feet would one square acre have on each side?

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An acre of area can have any shape at all. If it's laid out in a square shape, then each side of the square is 208.71 feet long. (rounded)

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An acre is 43,560 square feet. Half an acre is half that amount. Choose any number of feet for the length, then divide the square feet (for half an acre) by that number to get the width.

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