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err... no i dont think so, well the whole triangly makes up 180 degrees.

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Q: An acute triangle contains one right angle?
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A right triangle contains?

A right angle triangle contains a 90 degree angle and 2 acute angles.

What type of a triangle contains a right angle?

right triangle. pretty easy! lol. if it makes a right angle it should be a right triangle. if it is acute. it is an acute triangle, and the same with obtuse. its all simple to remember

What is the difference between a right acute and obtuce triangle?

Right = 90 degrees, acute = less than 90 degrees, obtuse = over 90, but less than 180 degrees. (between 180 and 360 is called "reflex".) A right triangle contains one right angle; an obtuse triangle contains one obtuse angle; and an acute triangle contains only acute angles.

A right triangle contains what angle?

A right angle triangle contains a 90 degree angle and 2 acute angles and all of the 3 angles add up to 180 degrees.

Does and acute has a right angle and two acute angles?

no an acute triangle does not have a right angle. if it had a right angle, it would be called a right triangle. to be an acute triangle, the triangle needs two angles that are smaller than 90 degrees.

Can a triangle have a right angle and an acute angle?

No A right angle has 90 degree A triangle has 180 degreeYes, a right triangle has one right angle and two acute angles. The sum of the acute angles is 90°.

Does a triangle have a right acute and obtuse angle?

Yes . Triangle have right acute and obtuse angle except compelete angle.

Can a triangle ever have a right angle and a acute angle?

Yes. If its a right angle there has to be an acute angle.

What is the difference between a right an acute and obtuse triangle?

A right triangle has one angle a right angle (90o) An obtuse triangle has one angle an obtuse angle (> 90o) An acute triangle has all angles acute (< 90o)

How can you determine if a triangle is acute obtuse or right triangle?

If all of the angles in a triangle are acute then it is an acute triangle. If one angle is right (or 90 degrees) then it is a right triangle. If one angle is obtuse then it is an obtuse triangle.

Can a triangle have both an acute an a right angle true or false?

It is true because a triangle with a right angle and two acute angles is a right angle triangle.

If a triangle has no obtuse angle then it is a right triangle?

It could be a right triangle if it has a right angle (90 degrees). If it does not have a right angle, then it is an acute triangle.