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Displacement is 172 km and vector is 40 degree. WORD!

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Q: An airplane flying parallel to the ground undergoes two consecutive displacements The first is 59 km at 19.6deg west of north and the second is 147 km at 55.9 deg east of north What is the magnitude?
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10 examples of law of acceleration?

-- A car accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the car. -- A stone accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the stone. -- A Frisbee accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the Frisbee. -- A baseball accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the baseball. -- A dog accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the dog. -- A book accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the book. -- A canoe accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the canoe. -- An airplane accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the airplane. -- A planet accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the planet. -- A cow accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the cow.

What is the meaning thrust used in airplane?

Thrust in an airplane refers to the force produced by the engines to propel the aircraft forward. It is essential for generating the necessary speed and lift for takeoff, maintaining level flight, and overcoming drag during flight. The amount of thrust produced is controlled by adjusting the engine power settings.

What was the name of the airplane in the movie Airplane?

The airplane in the movie Airplane is a Boeing 707

A single-engine airplane leaves an airport and flies to anotehr airport 850km north It takes 4.0hours to complete the flight What is the velocity of the airplane?

The average velocity of the aircraft is 212.5 km/h in the North direction. To find the average speed you must divide 850 by 4, which is 212.5. Velocity is a vector quantity which requires both a magnitude (212.5) and a direction (North).

What is the front of an airplane called?

The front of an airplane is called nose of the airplane.

What do the elavators on an airplane do?

The elevator section of an airplane is located in the aft of the airplane, or on the little wings in the back section of the airplane. The elevators move the airplane on its vertical axis, thereby making the airplane climb or descend.

How much do the wings of an airplane weigh?

Airplane? What airplane? My paper airplane wings weigh less than 8 grams.

Which came first the parachute or the airplane?

the airplane was first because what would the parachute be needed before the airplane? Correct answer is airplane!(:

What is the possessive form of airplane?

The possessive form for the singular noun airplane is airplane's.

What is the standard airplane?

There is no standard airplane.

What do you call a regular airplane?

An Airplane =)

What is a negative for an airplane?

Which type of airplane?