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The average speed is 38.75 m per minute. You first have to get the rate of speed per minute in each equation. Then add the answer of both equations together then divide them by two which is the average of both equations. Tip: Always look at each step of a problem as an individual equation! Steps (1) 150/2=75 (2) 50/20=2.5 (3) 75+2.5=77.5 (4) 77.5/2=38.75

Would this not be the (D=R*T) Distance is equivalent to the Rate of Speed and the Time it has been traveling?

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Q: An athlete moves 150 m in 2 minutes and next 50 m in 20swhat is his average speed?
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The average speed of boat in kilometers is per hour is 20 km /hr.

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45 minutes in ¾ of an hour, so just divide 15 kilometers by ¾ hours and get 20 kilometers per hour.

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