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about 600miles from the starting point, which would be X x 60)+123 +567 _ a=bsquare = csquare

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Q: An average freight train is moving at 60 mph. what is the stopping distance of the train?
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Is the stopping distance the same as the following distance?

No, they have different meanings.Following distance is the safe distance to follow behind a moving motor vehicle.Stopping distance is the combination of the drivers reaction time to apply the brakes and the time the vehicle takes to come to a halt.

Why is average speed called average speed?

Average speed is called average speed because it represents an average speed of something over a distance. Avarage could be thought of as a way to "even out" speed over a distance to see how fast an object was moving across that distance if it moved at a constant speed.An average speed takes into account stops and restarts as well as changes in speed of an object over the distance under consideration. The moving object might be moving faster at some points and slower at others. The object might stop and then resume traveling. All these things are "evened out" by average speed.A car taking a group to an eatery across town will start and stop as well as change speed across the distance. By dividing the distance by the travel time, we get the average speed that a car moving at a constant velocity would travel at to make the trip.

Total distance divided by the time taken in is an object's speed?

The total distance by the total time of a moving object is the average speed of the object. If the moving object is a train that makes a few stops along its route, it will have some kind of average speed associated with its journey. An investigator will find the average speed by dividing the total distance it traveled by the total time that has elapses since it left point A to get to point B.

What is total distance divided by total time?

When we consider a moving object, the total distance it is displaced divided by the total time to took for that displacement is the average speed of the object.If the moving object is a train that makes a few stops along its route, it will have some kind of average speed associated with its journey. An investigator will find the average speed by dividing the total distance it traveled by the total time that has elapses since it left point A to get to point B.

What is the total distance traveled divided by the total time taken?

When we consider a moving object, the total distance it is displaced divided by the total time taken for that displacement is the average speed of the object for that time interval.If the moving object is a train that makes a few stops along its route from city A to city B, it will have some kind of average speed associated with its journey. An investigator will find the average speed of the train by dividing the total distance it traveled (the distance between city A and city B) by the total time that has elapsed since it left city A and arrived at city B.

Related questions

What is the speed of a loaded freight train if it takes about one mile to make complete stop?

The speed of a loaded freight train would be approximately 60 miles per hour if it takes about one mile to make a complete stop. The stopping distance of a train is typically about one mile when traveling at that speed.

Explain why a fast moving freight train cannot be stopped quickly?

A fast moving freight train carries a lot of momentum due to its large mass and high velocity. Stopping it quickly would require overcoming this momentum, which would need a significant amount of force applied over a longer distance. Additionally, the braking systems on trains are designed to gradually slow down the train to prevent damage to the cargo, tracks, and passengers.

How do you use freight in a sentence?

Example sentence - Moving freight by rail is more affordable than moving it by truck.

How do you find the average speed of a moving object?

To find the average speed of a moving object, divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance. The formula is: Average speed = total distance / total time.

When was Always Moving Never Stopping created?

Always Moving Never Stopping was created in 2006.

How changes in energy will affect tranportation and stopping distances?

An increase in energy will generally result in an increase in speed, which will in turn increase the stopping distance required for a vehicle to come to a complete stop. This is because the kinetic energy of a moving vehicle is directly linked to its speed, so the greater the energy, the greater the speed, and consequently the greater the stopping distance needed. Conversely, a decrease in energy will result in a decrease in speed and stopping distance.

Is the stopping distance the same as the following distance?

No, they have different meanings.Following distance is the safe distance to follow behind a moving motor vehicle.Stopping distance is the combination of the drivers reaction time to apply the brakes and the time the vehicle takes to come to a halt.

What is the average distance for a person to move house?

depends where you're moving.

What is the Average speed of a moving object?

Average speed of a moving object is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken. It is a measure of how fast an object is moving over a given period of time.

Air Freight Service?

form_title= Air Freight Service form_header= Moving far? Move your belongings with an air freight service. When do your shipment need to arrive?*= _ [50] How much will the shipment weigh?*= _ [50] Why are you moving?*= _ [50]

What is the average cost of movers?

Moving Charges depends on the distance of cities and your material.

If a car moving with a speed of 50km per hour can be stopped by brakes after at least 6 m what is the minimum stopping distance of the same car if it is moving at a speed of 100km per hour?

The minimum stopping distance of the car moving at 100 km per hour will be greater than the 6m required for the car moving at 50 km per hour. This is because the stopping distance is directly related to the square of the speed, so when the speed doubles, the stopping distance increases by a factor of 4.