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Q: An elevator weighs 3500 pounds It is pulled upward a distance of 30 feet at a constant speed in 10 seconds A find the work done in lifting the elevator Bfind the speed of the elevator?
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The average constant speed of the object between 2 and 5 seconds is the total distance covered divided by the time elapsed. If you have the distance covered during this time interval, divide it by 3 seconds (5s - 2s) to get the average constant speed.

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If a car travels at a constant speed of 80m/s, then it covers the distance of 1,400m in exactly 17.5 seconds, no longer and no shorter. If the time is not 17.5 seconds, then either the distance was not 1,400m, or else the car's speed was not constant at 80m/s. Or both.

What is the answer of an elevator travels 310 feet in 10 seconds. At that speed how far can this elevator travel in 12 seconds Explain your reasoning.?

At 31 fps, the elevator will travel 372 feet in 12 seconds.

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To find the distance traveled in the first 5 seconds, we multiply the average velocity by the time traveled. If the object's velocity is constant, this distance is equal to the velocity multiplied by the time.

It takes an elevator 75 seconds to go 500 feet How fast is the elevator going?

The speed of the elevator is 6.67 feet per second (500 feet/75 seconds).

Does the total distance traveled divided by constant speed is an average speed?

No. If you divide a distance by a speed, you get a time, not a speed. For example, (meters) / (meters/second) = (seconds).

What is the velocity of a ball thrown 20 ft in 4 seconds?

In the case of constant velocity (or speed), velocity = distance / time.

What is the speed of a dragster when it travels 60 feet in 1.7 seconds?

Assuming constant speed, you are supposed to divide the distance by the time.

How do you find constant speed?

You didn't specify what data is given. In general, for constant speed, the following formula is important (just use the definition of speed): speed = distance / time; or distance = speed x time. If distance is in km and time in hours, speed will be in km/hour; if distance is in meters and time in seconds, speed will be in meters/second.

What distance would be covered in 12 minutes by a train that travels at a constant speed of 505 meters every 11 seconds?

33,055m or 33.055Km

How long does it take to get from one floor to the next in an elevator?

Typically, it takes around 20-30 seconds to travel between floors in an elevator. Factors such as the height of the building, speed of the elevator, and number of stops can affect the exact time it takes.

What distance would be coveded by a train in 10 minutes if it travels a constant speed of 500 meters every 10 seconds?

30,000 metres or 30km