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Q: An ellipse (three dots) following a menu item indicates that?
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What are the characteristics of an ellipse?

Here's one way to think about an elllipse:-- Mark two black dots on a piece of paper, or stick two nails into a piece of wood.-- Mark a dot anywhere else on the paper, just not on the line between thefirst two.-- Measure the distance of the new dot from the first one, and from the second one,then add those two distances.-- If you draw another dot at every place on the paper where the sum of thetwo distances from the first two dots is the same sum, you'll have an ellipse.-- The first two black dots, or the nails, are the foci (focuses) of the ellipse.-- The farther apart the first two black dots are, the more eccentric the ellipse is ...skinny compared to its length.-- When the first two black dots get so close together that they're the same dot,then you have an ellipse whose eccentricity is zero, and there's a special name forthat ellipse. It's called a 'circle'.Easy way to draw it:-- Tie a piece of string in a loop.-- Drop the loop of string around the two nails.-- Put a pencil point into the loop. Pull it out to the side until there's no slack in the loop.-- Run the pencil around, keeping it against the string with no slack in the loop.You're drawing an ellipse.If you pull out one nail, you're drawing a circle.

What are the characteristics of ellipse?

Here's one way to think about an elllipse:-- Mark two black dots on a piece of paper, or stick two nails into a piece of wood.-- Mark a dot anywhere else on the paper, just not on the line between thefirst two.-- Measure the distance of the new dot from the first one, and from the second one,then add those two distances.-- If you draw another dot at every place on the paper where the sum of thetwo distances from the first two dots is the same sum, you'll have an ellipse.-- The first two black dots, or the nails, are the foci (focuses) of the ellipse.-- The farther apart the first two black dots are, the more eccentric the ellipse is ...skinny compared to its length.-- When the first two black dots get so close together that they're the same dot,then you have an ellipse whose eccentricity is zero, and there's a special name forthat ellipse. It's called a 'circle'.Easy way to draw it:-- Tie a piece of string in a loop.-- Drop the loop of string around the two nails.-- Put a pencil point into the loop. Pull it out to the side until there's no slack in the loop.-- Run the pencil around, keeping it against the string with no slack in the loop.You're drawing an ellipse.If you pull out one nail, you're drawing a circle.

Where is the ellipse on a keyboard?

English Language Keyboards:* An ellipse is a geometric shape. There is not a special key for geometric shapes. However, the letter O in some fonts is almost elliptical e.g. Oo, or you may be able to insert an elliptical symbol using the drop-down 'Insert' menu in your word-processing toolbar. * If you want to insert an ellipsis, which is a mark indicating a missing word, the customary way of doing this is by using three dots ...

What does three dots ... mean?

uncompleted sentence.

What does three dots stamped inside a ring mean?

What no they mean

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What is the punctuation mark in English grammar called an ellipse?

An ellipse looks like three dots or periods: ...

What is 5.47 ...?

The number 5.47 with three dots following it indicates a repeating decimal. In this case, the three dots indicate that the 7 in the hundredths place repeats infinitely. Therefore, 5.47... can be expressed as 5.477777... or 5.47 with an infinite number of 7s following.

Is it correct to use four dots instead of three?

In grammar, three dots in a row indicates a pause. It is expected that the sentence or dialogue will continue after the dots. Four dots means a pause and the end of that sentence.

What do you call three dots at the end of a poem?

Those three dots at the end of a poem are called an ellipsis. It indicates the omission of words or a pause in the text.

Three dots in a sentence that something goes on and on are called?

An ellipsis. It is used to indicate that something has been omitted from a quotation or to create a pause in writing for dramatic or rhetorical effect.

What are the three dots in math?

If a number is written as 3.141592... It means that the decimals go to infinity. Similarly 0.3333.... A number written with a single 'dot' indicates a decimal number .eg. 25. 69 A number written with commas indicates a very large number separated in to thousands. e.g. 1,234,567

Can an ellipse be four dots if you are leaving out an entire sentence or more?

Only if the ellipses are preempted by another sentence. Anymore than three full-stops/periods is considered grammatically incorrect.

Do you use a capital letter after three dots?

No, typically, after three dots (ellipsis), the following word should not be capitalized unless it is a proper noun or the start of a new sentence. Ellipses indicate a continuation or interruption of thought.

What is this clothing logo three dots over four dots?

i believe it is called three dots

Why does the o in Mobius Strip have 2 dots over it?

The 2 dots indicates a diacritical mark called an 'Umlaut' .

What does three dots represent in math?

three dots represents the therefore symbol

What are ellipsis mark?

An ellipsis is usually written as three consecutive dots (...) and indicates the omission from speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to be understood from contextual clues.