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gregorian chant

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Q: An example of a medieval religious type of composition known as?
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Many compositions are known; an example is Al8B4C7.

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What is a name for a Medieval minstrel beginning with g?

The medieval minstrel was known as a gleeman. They were common in medieval Europe.

What kind of architecture was the medieval period known for?

no one cares about the medieval times!

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Each known mineral has a specific chemical composition.

First version of a composition?

The first version of a written composition is known as the draft.

What has the author Petrus Alfonsi written?

Petrus Alfonsi was a 12th-century writer who is known for his works such as "Dialogus Contra Judeos" (Dialogue Against the Jews) and the "Disciplina Clericalis" (Clerical Discipline). His writings often dealt with religious and moral themes, and he is considered to be an important figure in the history of medieval literature.

What are the autobiographies of the medieval period?

A good example is the well known Joan of Arch biography. It takes place during the medieval period and most of the medieval autobiographys was done to the martyrs of that era. In the related links box below, I posted a link very usefull to understand this subject. Check it out for more information.

What is composition of objects in a class known as?

It's known as a composition or composite object, however the term aggregate can also be used.

What era did they burn Witches?

In the medieval era. At least it is most common known to be in the medieval era.

Is scholasticsm a system of religious philosophy?

Yes, scholasticism is a system of medieval philosophy that emphasized the use of reason to reconcile faith and reason in understanding religious doctrines. It sought to integrate philosophy with theology to address questions about the nature of God, ethics, and the universe.

What most accurately reflects the period known as the Middle Ages?

Medieval Times