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NAND and NOR gate

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Q: An example of a universal building block is?
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Which gates is an example of universal building block?


Which is an example of a building block that helps form DNA?

Nucleotides are the building blocks that help form DNA. A nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar (deoxyribose in DNA), and a nitrogenous base (adenine, thymine, cytosine, or guanine). These nucleotides combine in a specific sequence to form the double helix structure of DNA.

Example of a retangular solid object?

a tissue box or a rectangle building block

What is the best block for building a home?

Concrete blocks are a popular choice for building homes due to their durability, strength, and fire resistance. They also provide excellent insulation properties, helping to reduce energy costs and create a comfortable indoor environment. Additionally, concrete blocks are readily available and cost-effective compared to other building materials.

What is the smallests building block of a mineral?

The smallest building block of a mineral is a atom.

What is the building block of carbohydrate?

The building block of a carbohydrate is mono saccharides.

Where can I find a universal knife block that will fit all my knives?

You can find a universal knife block that will fit all of your knives on this website: I have one myself and love it!

Is hydrogen a basic building block of matter?

The basic building block of matter is the atom.

What is the building block of lipids?

The building block of lipids is a molecule called a fatty acid. Multiple fatty acids combine with other molecules, such as glycerol, to form different types of lipids, such as triglycerides and phospholipids.

What are amino acids example?

They are building block of proteins. Add one to another to another to make chains and those chains are proteins. Glycine is an example of one.

When was Co-operative Block Building created?

Co-operative Block Building was created in 1909.

What is the building block of a relational database?

I think "TABLE" is the main building block of relational database