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Q: An experiment consists of flipping a fair coin and rolling a fair die How many possible outcomes have a head and an odd number?
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What is an example of a binomial experiment?

A binomial experiment is a experiment that consists of repeated trails, with two possible outcomes. An example of this would be a coin toss.Ê

How many possible outcomes are there when flipping a coin 5 times?

There are 25 = 32 possible outcomes.

Total possible outcomes?

Is the number of all possible outcomes of an experiment. The number depends on the experiment.

How many possible outcomes are there when flipping a coin 8 times?


What is bernoulli's experiment?

A Bernoulli experiment is a random experiment with only two possible outcomes, typically referred to as success and failure. These outcomes must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive, meaning that one and only one of the outcomes must occur. These experiments are often used in probability theory to model various real-world situations.

How many possible outcomes are there when flipping a coin 11 times?

Two possible outcomes for each flip. 2,048 possible histories of 11 flips.

What is an example of a bernoulli trial?

Flipping a coin is an example of a Bernoulli trial. It is an experiment with two possible outcomes (heads or tails) and has a constant probability of success (0.5) for each trial.

How many possible outcomes are there when flipping a coin ten times?

11 overall

What do you call all possible outcomes of an experiment?

All possible outcomes of an experiment is known as a sample space. This will include an exhaustive list of all the possible results to be achieved.

What is a sample space for an experiment?

It is the set of all possible outcomes of the experiment.

The collection of all possible outcomes of an experiment is called?

sample space

What is the set of possible outcomes for flipping a coin once?

Heads - ½ Tails - ½ There are two reasonable outcomes of flipping a coin. You could get heads or tails. Some might argue that the third outcome is that the coin will land on the edge.