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hawthorne effect

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Q: An important statistical effect was named for this manufacturing plant What is it?
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What important statistical effect was named for this manufacturing plant?

The Hawthorne effect

Why is the standard normal distribution important in statistical analysis?

Why is normal distribution important in statistical analysis? Why is normal distribution important in statistical analysis? An important statistical effect was named for this manufacturing plant. What is it? In a famous research study conducted in the years 1927-1932 at an electrical equipment manufacturing plant, experimenters measured the influence of a number of variables (brightness of lights, temperature, group pressure, working hours, and managerial leadership) on the productivity of the employees. The major finding of the study was that no matter what experimental treatment was employed, the production of the workers seemed to improve. It seemed as though just knowing that they were being studied had a strong positive influence on the workers. .The Hawthorne effect

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The Doppler Effect was named after Austrian physicist Christian Doppler, who first described it in 1842.

The Coanda effect was named after which Russian aerodynamics pioneer?

The Coanda effect was named after the Russian aerodynamics pioneer Henry Coanda. The effect is the tendency of of a fluid jet to be attracted to a nearby surface.

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A Russian named Sikorsky who later started a manufacturing company that he named after himself. We've all heard of the famous Igor Helicopters, haven't we?

Is Robinson a Jewish name?

I know people named 'Robinson who are Jewish. I also know people named 'Robinson' who are not Jewish. According to statistical analysis of the results of my rigorously unscientific survey, the answer is: Definitely not necessarily, but it could be.

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Why did Gaspard Gustave Coriolis named his invention the Coriolis effect?

Gaspard Gustave Coriolis named his invention the Coriolis effect after himself because he was the first to mathematically describe the phenomenon in fluid dynamics. His work on the effect, which explains the deflection of moving objects on a rotating planet, has since become a fundamental concept in meteorology and oceanography.

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The Boltzmann hypothesis states that the entropy of a system is a measure of the number of ways the microscopic components of the system can be arranged. It relates to statistical mechanics and the idea that the macroscopic behavior of a system can be understood by analyzing the statistical properties of its constituent particles. The hypothesis is named after physicist Ludwig Boltzmann.

Is there any mobile manufacturing company named nokai not nokia I saw a cell phone named NOKAI N73 claimed to be Nokia in ITALY. Is it China's pirated copy of Nokia or something else?

There was a company named Nokai and it's from China.