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Q: An increase of 10 decibels means an intensity increase of times?
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On the decibel scale an increase of decibels means an intensity increase ten times?


Compared to a sound of 40 decibels a sound of 60 decibels is?

Twice as loud. Decibels are measured on a logarithmic scale, so an increase of 20 decibels represents a tenfold increase in intensity.

On the decibel scale an increase of 10 decibels means an intensity increase of times?

10 decibels increase mean measured on a sound pressure level meter. SPL meter. Forget the intensity, because the ear drums and the microphone diaphragms are moved by the sound pressure. 10

How much louder is 10 decibels than 0 decibels?

Each increase of 10 decibels represents a tenfold increase in sound intensity. So, 10 decibels is 10 times louder than 0 decibels.

What is the si unit of sound intensity?

the sound intensity is measured in work /m .that means , si unit of sound intensity is decibel ( db) .

How many time more is the orchestra than the soloist if the orchestra has a sound intensity of 100 db and the soloist has a sound intensity of 90 db?

The orchestra is 10 times louder than the soloist because each increase of 10 decibels corresponds to a tenfold increase in sound intensity.

How do the amplitudes of a decibel sound and a 100-decibel sound compare?

The amplitude of a 100-decibel sound is 10 times greater than the amplitude of a decibel sound. Decibels represent a logarithmic scale, so every 10 decibels represents a tenfold increase in sound intensity.

When a sound intensity increases by factor of 10 it's decibel reading increases by blank?

Decibel Scale [Apex] (: its 10 honey

If two sounds differ in level by 46 decibels what is the ratio of their intensities?

The ratio of intensities between two sounds differing by 46 decibels is 10^4.6, which is approximately 2511.89. This means that the sound with the higher level has an intensity over 2500 times greater than the sound with the lower level.

How does the intensity of a 40-decibel sound compare to the intensity 20-decibel sound?

100 times. Each bel (10 decibels) is ten times as loud thus 20 to 40 is 100 times.

How much is 110 decibels?

110 decibels means (1011 or 100,000,000,000) times as much as you started with.

Which is louder 60 or 70 decibels?

40 dB gain change should give about the ratio of 16 for sensed volume and loudness, 40 dB gain change gives the ratio of 100 for measured voltage and sound pressure and 40 dB gain change gives the ratio of 1000 for calculated sound power and acoustic intensity. Go to the link: Subjectively perceived loudness (volume), objectively measured sound pressure (voltage), and theoretically calculated sound intensity (acoustic power).