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Q: An instrument to record the number of steps in walking?
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What is an instrument to record the number of a steps taken in walking?

A pedometer is an instrument used to record the number of steps taken while walking. It tracks a person's physical activity by counting the number of steps based on the movement of the body.

What instrument records the number of steps taken in walking?

A pedometer

An instrument to record the number steps taken in walking?

a metric ruler, meter-stick, centimeter ruler, and inch ruler are all used to measure length or distance

What is the instrument worn by a walker or runner for recording the number of steps taken?

It is a pedometer.

What instrument measures the number of steps you take?

It's called a pedometer. You can get one for like 2 bucks at walmart.pedometer

What is the Worlds record for Double Dutch number of steps in 3 minutes?

5555 in 3 minutes

What would you do each day to count how many steps you have done a day?

Use a Pedometer, it will record the number of steps taken and thus the distance traveled

Does walking 7 steps lose 1 calorie?

it only takes 5 to 7 steps walking about 3mph for 1 calorie

How many steps from the earth to the moon?

it is 238857000 steps from the earth to the moon walking

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field walking

How can you get a legendary out of an egg on Pokemon Ruby?

walking a lot of steps like 11000000 steps

Why does a negative number multiplied by a negative number equals a positive number?

This is NOT a proof, just an explanation. Imagine you are on a number line and you are walking. Multiplying x*y is taking x steps, each of size y. Negative steps are interpreted by requriring you to face the negative end of the line before you start walking and negative step sizes are backward where backward is heel first. This mean to find, -x*-y you stand on zero, face in the negative direction, and then take x backward steps, each of size y.