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Yes, it can happen. when the velocity is momentarily zero while an object is changing from moving in the positive direction motion to the negative direction; the object obviously will stop at one point, but will still have a constant acceleration.

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Q: An object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity what is mean is n't possible.?
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Is there an acceleration when an object traveling at constant velocity and why?

No, there is no acceleration when an object is traveling at a constant velocity. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if the velocity is constant, there is no change and therefore no acceleration.

Can an object traveling at constant velocity have acceleration why?

An object traveling at constant velocity cannot have acceleration because acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time. If the velocity of an object is constant, there is no change in velocity and therefore no acceleration.

Can an object be accelerating if it has constant velocity?

No, an object cannot be accelerating if it has constant velocity. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if an object has constant velocity, it is not accelerating.

Can an object traveling at constant velocity have acceleration?

No, if an object is traveling at a constant velocity, it means that its speed and direction are not changing. Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes over time, so an object with constant velocity by definition cannot have acceleration.

Can an cobject accelerate if its velocity is constant?

No, an object cannot accelerate if its velocity is constant. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity, so if the velocity of an object is constant, its acceleration is zero.

Does an object experiencing a constant velocity have a zero or non-zero value for acceleration?

An object experiencing a constant velocity has zero acceleration. This is because acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity over time. When velocity is constant, there is no change in velocity, leading to zero acceleration.

Is it possible for a body to have an acceleration when moving with constant velocity?

No, if an object is moving with constant velocity, it is not experiencing any acceleration. Acceleration refers to a change in velocity over time, so if the velocity is constant, there is no acceleration.

If an object is moving at a constant velocity what do you know about its acceleration?

"Acceleration" means change of velocity. If velocity is constant, then acceleration is zero.

Is it possible for an object to have an increasing velocity and an increasing acceleration?

If your acceleration is increasing then by default your velocity has to increase. Acceleration = velocity/time so if acceleration is increasing the velocity is also increasing... And just for fun, just as the change in distance is velocity, and change in velocity is acceleration with respect to time, the change in acceleration with respect to Time is called a jerk

When the acceleration of an object is zero what is the velocity at the same time?

As long as acceleration is zero, the object's velocity is constant.

The velocity of an object moving in a straight line changes at a constant rate when the object is experiencing constant?

acceleration. If the velocity of an object changes at a constant rate, this implies it is accelerating or decelerating at a constant rate, regardless of its initial velocity.

If an object falls with constant acceleration the velocity of the object must?

Changing at a constant rate equal to acceleration.