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Q: An object with a mass of 8 kg is dropped and takes 2 s to hit the ground. Then another object with a mass of 16 kg is dropped from the same point. How long does it take to hit the ground?
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What is the kinetic energy of an object weighing 65 kg dropped from a height of 40m?

The kinetic energy of the object can be calculated using the formula: KE = 1/2 * mass * velocity^2. First, calculate the final velocity of the object using the formula: v = sqrt(2gh), where g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2) and h is the height (40m). Then plug in the values to find the kinetic energy.

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When an object is dropped from a height, gravity causes it to accelerate towards the ground. As the object falls, its velocity increases due to the gravitational force acting on it. At the point when the object reaches the ground, its velocity will be at its maximum value before decelerating to zero upon impact.

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A flagpole is a metal object that stands on the ground at the highest point. It is typically used to display flags or banners.

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An object at rest on the ground has 0 Joules of gravitational potential energy because potential energy is calculated relative to a reference point, typically a certain height above the ground. When the object is on the ground, the height is considered to be zero, so there is no potential energy stored in the object relative to that reference point.

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An object is closest to being in freefall right before it hits the ground, when air resistance has slowed it down such that its acceleration is primarily due to gravity. At that point, the object's speed is nearly constant and it is falling solely due to the force of gravity.

Is a reference point the object to which we compare another object's motion?

Yes, a reference point is the specific object or location used to determine the motion of another object relative to it. It serves as a fixed point for comparison in measuring the position or velocity of the moving object.

What is an object that appears to stay in place that helps you detect motion in another object?

Reference point

A place or object used for comparing the movement of an object?

A reference point is a place or object used for comparing the movement of another object. It helps to determine the position or speed of the object in relation to the reference point.

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When using a shovel to pry an object, the ground acts as a fulcrum, providing a pivot point for leverage. This allows you to apply force to lift or loosen the object.

Two examples of potential energy converted to kinetic energy?

A pendulum hanging still at its highest point (potential energy) is released, converting its potential energy to kinetic energy as it swings back and forth. An object held above the ground (potential energy) is dropped, converting its potential energy to kinetic energy as it accelerates towards the ground.

Change in position of one object compared to the position of another?

The change in position of an object compared to a reference point(another object) is called motion.

What is an object theat appears to stay in place that helps you detect motion in another object?

This is called a reference point.