

An obtuse angle is always what?

Updated: 11/19/2022
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12y ago

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Greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees

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Q: An obtuse angle is always what?
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Can a triangle be obtuse and acute?

No, because if there is on obtuse angle the triangle will always be obtuse.

Can a triangle be both acute and obtuse?

No, because if there is on obtuse angle the triangle will always be obtuse.

Is obtuse angle bisected the resulting angle are always acute?


Is a right angle and an obtuse angle always supplementary?

No. In fact, they never are. A right angle by definition is 90 degrees. An obtuse angle is any degree greater than 90. In order for two angles to be supplementary, they must equal 180 degrees. Because an obtuse angle is always greater than 90 degrees, and a right angle is always 90 degrees, an obtuse angle and a right angle can never be supplementary.

Can an obtuse angle have a right angle?

You must learn your facts carefully.Firstly a right angle is always equal to 900 and an obtuse angle is always greater than 900 but less than 1800 .

What is the angle that measures 170 degrees?

It is an obtuse angle. It is an obtuse angle. It is an obtuse angle. It is an obtuse angle.

Is the sum of the measure of an acute angle and the measure of an obtuse angle always greater than 180 degree?

Not not always since an obtuse angle is always greater than 90 degrees and an acute angle is always less than 90 degrees.

Does a trapezoid always have an obtuse angle?

Yes, because the angles have to add up to 360º, at least one angle has to be obtuse.

Is an acute angle and an obtuse angle sometimes always or never complementary?

Two angles are complementary when they add up to exactly 90 degrees. An obtuse angle is by definition greater than 90 degrees. Therefore, an obtuse angle cannot have a complementary angle. So an obtuse angle and an acute angle are never complementary.

Britt says that twice an acute angle is always an obtuse angle Is she right?

No. Because twice an acute angle is 60 degrees and an obtuse angle is 120 degrees. So the answer is no

Can a trapezoid have one obtuse angle?

Trapezoids ALWAYS have at least one obtuse angle (if they have two right angles, then there will only be one obtuse angle), usually two (in any other circumstance, they will have two obtuse and two acute angles).

Are the exterior angles of a scalene triangle always obtuse?

No, they are not always obtuse, because a scalene triangle can also sometimes be an obtuse triangle (meaning that one interior angle is obtuse), making one exterior angle acute. Scalene triangles also can be a right triangles (meaning that one interior angle is a right angle), which would make an exterior angle a right angle. Then also they can be acute triangles, in this case all 3 exterior angles are obtuse.