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scalar multiplication

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Q: An operation where you multiply each element of a matrix by a constant is called a what?
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The spacing between the lines in the spectrum of an element is constant. Each line corresponds to a specific energy transition within the atom, and the spacing between the lines is determined by the energy difference between the specific electronic states involved in the transition.

What four properties are needed to form a mathematical group?

Definition of Group: A set G whose elements can be combined together in way similar to the addition of integers. If the result of combining the elements a and b of G is denoted by a*b, then G will be a group if and only if the operation * satisfies the following four properties: 1: any two elements in the set can be combined by the operation * to produce a unique third element in the set; 2: the operation is associative: given any three members a, b and c of G then a*(b*c) = (a*b)*c; 3: there is a special element I, called the identity element, such that for any element a, a*I=I*a=a; 4: corresponding to each element a, there is an element a', called the inverse of a (and depending upon a), such that a*a'=a'*a=I

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It is called algebra. When two quantities are related as long as you do the same operation to both (add, subtract, multiply, or divide) you do not change the relation

An operation that undoes another operation?

This is called an inverse operation.

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The name for the time required for half of a radioactive element to decay into a stable element is called the half-life. It is a constant value unique to each radioactive isotope, and it is used to measure the rate of radioactive decay.

Why is the number 1 called a multiplicative identity?

1 is the identity element of multiplication. What this means is that if you multiply any number by 1, the result is the same as the original number.

What is meant by the term the gravitational constant?

The force of gravity between two objects is proportional to(mass1) x (mass2)/(distance between them)2 , but it's not equal to that fraction. To get the actual value of the forces, youhave to multiply that fraction by a 'proportionality' constant, and since we'retalking gravity here, the constant is called the Gravitational Constant.If everything in the fraction is in SI (metric) units, then the gravitationalconstant is 6.67 x 10-11newton-meter2/kilogram2 And when you multiply the fraction by that constant, you get the actual valueof the force, in newtons.

Why was Operation Barbarossa called operation Barbarossa?

It was not called off, it was pushed back and defeated.

A number that stands by itself is called an?

It may be called "the constant term".

The number you multiply by is called the?

It depends on the mathematical context. Usually it is considered to be the "scalar", however sometimes it may be known as the "coefficient", or in some cases it will be a "constant". The name for a multiplier is "multiplicand."

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Element #105 is called Dubnium.