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Q: An opinion or statement that says something is true but has no proof behind it is sometimes called?
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Is this statement true or false crossing a road from behind a road?

The statement is neither true or false,"crossing a road from behind a road"simply does not make sense as a statement - how can you cross a road from behind a road!

How do you separate dependent and independent variables?

I do it by using an "if/then" statement. The variable behind the "if" statement is the independent variable. The variable behind the "then" statement is the dependent variable. Example: y = 3x3 + 4x2 - 6x +1 So if you tried "if y = 2", you're still stuck on your "then" statement. You don't really know what x is, do you? But if you try "if x = 1", then you can determine right away that y = 2. So x is your independent variable and y is your dependent variable.

When does something have a theoretical probability?

When you can find a model that satisfactorily captures the scientific laws behind all the possible outcomes of the trial.

Is the word behind an adjective yes or no?

"Behind" is typically used in a prepositional phrase, as in "behind the lamp." A prepositional phrase can be used to describe things, nonetheless. "Your keys are behind the lamp." Behind the lamp tells where the keys are located."Behind" can also be used as an adjective on its own. "John fell behind." Behind describes where John fell.

You missed one and a half payments but you sent half of one full payment can your car still get repoed?

Yes, you are still behind in your payments. Don't let this happen. Contact the lender and work something out.

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Is this statement true or false crossing a road from behind a road?

The statement is neither true or false,"crossing a road from behind a road"simply does not make sense as a statement - how can you cross a road from behind a road!

What is a power statement?

a powerful statement has to have creativity and a strong meaning behind it.

What is the meaning of statement of necesity?

A statement of necessity is a formal declaration or justification for why a particular action or decision is required or unavoidable. It is used to explain the essential reasons behind a choice or course of action.

Why girl thinks boy hugs from behind?

Hugging from behind is potentially something she's seen in a movie, or just something she may have witnessed between a couple in public.It's something that some couples sometimes do and she might like the idea of it.Unless you have some sort objection to it, why not give it a try.

What is a detailed explanation of the legal thinking behind a court decision?

The written legal reasoning behind a court's decision is called an opinion.

What is a because statement?

A because statement is a statement that explains the reason or cause for something. It typically provides justification for an action, decision, or belief by giving a reason or rationale behind it. It helps to clarify the logic or thinking behind a particular assertion.

Why do you use because?

I use "because" to clarify the reasoning behind a statement or to provide an explanation for something. It helps to connect ideas and show cause and effect relationships in a concise manner.

Why does my ex-girl sometimes blush secretly behind me?

Ass-uming her blushes have something to do with you, she may have been looking at your posterior. Or just watching you and fantasizing.

What is guarantining?

There's no such word since it's misspelled. However, if it's spelled correctly, which would be guaranteeing, that would mean to assure that something is what it's said to be; that you (the guarantor) stand behind the statement that it is genuine; that you guarantee that something is true and sincere.

Describe how foreshadowing is used in the statement he had to leave home without telling anyone and he could not resist till he left it behind a couple of hundred miles?

The statement suggests that the character has left home suddenly and impulsively, indicating that something significant may be motivating his actions. The mention of leaving something behind suggests there may be a reason for his urgency and a potential consequence for his actions, hinting at the possibility of conflict or consequences to come. Overall, the statement creates a sense of mystery and anticipation for what may unfold as the character moves further away from home.

Where is the safety switch that cuts off the engine after a wreck?

Sometimes behind the passemger kick panel Sometimes behind the passemger kick panel

The legal document that explains the legal reasoning behind a Supreme Court decision is called?

A majority opinion is the legal document that explains the legal reasoning behind a Supreme Court decision.