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Excise tax :)

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Q: Another name for selective sales tax?
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This is another name for selective sales tax?

excise tax

What is another name for selective sales tax?

excise tax

Sales tax on gasoline is what kind of tax?

a sales tax on gasoline is an example of what type of tax

What type of tax is sales tax on gasoline an example of?


Which of these are types of sales tax?

general and selective (A+)

Search results for: Which of these are types of sales tax?

general and selective

Does Montana charge sales tax?

yes Montana has sales tax. there tax is 8.7 sales tax. NO, Montana does NOT have a Sales Tax. Or, to put it another way, there is a 0.0% sales tax. I have lived here for years...I don't pay a sales tax. Whoever said yes, must not live in Montana.

A sales tax on gasoline is and example of what type of tax?

The United States has a progressive tax method. This means that the more your earn to more tax percentage of your income you pay. This is a dangerous type of taxation in that we are approaching a time when almost 50% of the population pay no income taxes at all.

What is a selective sales tax?

This is a sales tax on specific items, such as cigarettes or alcoholic beverages. These may also be referred to as "sin taxes", under the conservative Christian belief that smoking and drinking are improper vices.

Which of these describes a use tax?

type of sales tax imposed on goods purchased from another state A+

What was the name of the first locomotive?

Price is 101.40 with sales tax of 6.5 what is the sales tax

What is the sales tax when a car is transferred into Louisiana from another state?

There is no sales tax involved in transferring a car. However, If you purchase it in Louisiana, you have to pay their sales tax.