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Q: Another name for the 10 foot line?
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What do you call the line that runs parallel to the net and is 10 feet from the net in vollyball?

The 10 foot line :)

How long is the spike line for volleyball?

Usually the line is 10 feet from the net, often called the "ten foot line".

What is the height of the back board bottom line to ground?

the goal is 10 feet high

What is another name for a decade?

"Another name for decade, is 10 years. there is another name does anyone no what it is ==decennium

What has 10 syllables per line 2 syllables per foot?

iambic pentameter

What is another way to write 10x10 square foot?

10 ft2

How far is the attack line on the volleyball court is how far from the center line?

Nine meters - 3 meters from the net, parallel to it is the attack line, which splits the court into two 'courts' - front court and back court, also known as front row and back row, respectively.

What is the name of a line that divides a fraction?

The line separating the numerator and denominator when displayed as one number over another is called Vinculum, or sometimes referred to as the fraction bar. If the line is a slanting line (such as in "9/10"), it's referred to as the solidus.

Where does the term 20-20 vision originate?

Eye charts are designed to be read at a distance of 20 feet (6.09 metres). Those who can read the 20 foot 'line' are said to have 20/20 vision. If they can read the 10 foot line, then they are 20/10, and so on.

What is a type of foot where an unstressed syllable is followed by a syllables for 10 syllables per line?

This type of foot is called an iambic pentameter. It consists of five iambs, where each iamb is made up of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, for a total of 10 syllables per line. It is commonly used in English poetry and plays.

How do you draw a volleyball court and label it?

A volleyball court is made up of 2 half courts. half a court is 30' x 30' with a line 10' from the net called the 10 foot line (or 3 meter line). The other half of the court is the same dimensions. ---20'----- -10'--10'------20'---- _______________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 30' | | | | | | | | | | _______________________ ^ ^ ^ 10ft Net 10ft line line

What is the name of a 10 or 13 line poem?

A 10-line poem is called a decastich and a 13-line poem is called a terza rima.