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Q: Answer round the number 659938 to the nearest hundred?
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3400 We round the number up to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 50 or above. We round the number down to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 49 or below. If the last two digits are 00, then we do not have to do any rounding, because it is already to the hundred.

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Remember, we did not necessarily round up or down, but to the hundred that is nearest to 321. First, 321 rounded to the nearest hundred is: 300 When rounding to the nearest hundred, like we did with 321 above, we use the following rules: A) We round the number up to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 50 or above. B) We round the number down to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 49 or below. C) If the last two digits are 00, then we do not have to do any rounding, because it is already to the hundred.

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To the nearest hundred, 400

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Rounding the number 820 to the nearest hundred would bring it to 800.

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437 to the nearest hundred is 400.