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All positive whole numbers over 1 can be classified either as prime or composite numbers. Those which are not prime are composite numbers, that is, numbers which are composed of several different factors.

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Q: Any counting number grater then 1 witch is not prime is what kind number?
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Witch number is prime 3 25 59 or 72?

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0.4 = 0.40 0.39 0.4 is greater, because 40 is greater than 39

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all you have to do is now the factors of 9 witch is 1,3,and 9 and then all you have to do is find out witch one is a prime number EXAMPLE: Prime numbers are numbers that only have 2 factors 1 and itself COMPOSITE : A composite number is when it has more then 2 factors.

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The answer is 105 because 3,5, and 7 are all prime factors and when you multiply the numbers together it comes out to be 105 witch is lower than 160 and is an odd number.

In what decade was America in the grip of a modern witch hunt?

The 1950s was the prime time for McCarthyism. It was considered a witch hunt against communism.

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The phone number of the Witch House is: 978-744-8815.

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The Salem witch trials happened during the year 1692, the first to be executed was Bridget Bishop. In total 19 people were killed after being found guilty of witch craft, this is not counting the many people that they suspected died in jail.

What is the phone number of the Witch History Museum in Salem Massachusetts?

The phone number of the Witch History Museum is: 978-741-7770.