1. anionic ligands like OH- placed below H2O :NO explanation provided
2. no explanation of why the strong field ligands are strong ,for example , though NH3 is lower in dipole moment than H2O it is a strong ligand
Cross field revolving theory is the theory which discuss the cause of single phase induction motor not to be self starting. According to it, two different forces of same magnetude acts on the rotor in just opposite direction.Which makes the rotor standstill.
He continued his search for a unified field theory -- a theory showing that gravity and electromagnetism are simply manifestations of the same underlying principle.
It is the theory of establishing three dimonsional positions of an area/field/ with respect to a known direction and known level. It is a very good application of trignometry.
The study of math is mathematics. Subdivisions in that broad category include (butare not limited to):algebrageometrytrigonometrycalculusdifferential equations (differentiation and integration, Transforms)statisticsabstract algebra (includes group theory, ring theory, field theory, and module theory)topologynumber theorylogicprobabilitystatisticsgame theoryfunctional analysisdynamical systems (includes "chaos theory")numerical analysisset theory
Yes, the Distributive Property is true over addition and multiplication, and it will continue to until you start studying exotic concepts such as Ring Theory or Field Theory.
Please clarify??
Jan Rzewuski has written: 'Field theory' -- subject(s): Field theory (Physics), Quantum field theory
The Dynamo Theory it what causes Earth's Magnetic Field
Freeman John Dyson has written: 'Field theory' -- subject(s): Electromagnetic theory, Quantum field theory
dynamo theory
a unified field theory is a type of field theory that allows all that is usually thought of as fundamental forces and elementary particles to be written in terms of a pair of physical and virtual fields.
The theory that explains Earth's magnetic field is called the geodynamo theory. It proposes that the magnetic field is generated by the motion of molten iron and nickel in Earth's outer core.
Unified Field Theory is science. By the very definition of science, ghosts are nonscientific because they have not been proven to exist. Further, Unified Field Theory describes nothingexcept for the unification of the four fundamental forces.
Giorgio Parisi has written: 'Statistical field theory' -- subject(s): Statistical mechanics, Quantum field theory
Rudolf Haag has written: 'Local quantum physics' -- subject(s): Quantum field theory, Quantum theory 'On quantum field theories' -- subject(s): Quantum theory
is it working theory or is it paradigm
Working theory