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the outcomes will be chaned

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Q: Anything in an investigation that can change the outcome is called?
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Why does an investigator change the value of a variable parameter during an investigation?

An investigator may change the value of a variable parameter during an investigation to test its impact on the outcome or to explore different scenarios. By adjusting the variable, the investigator can gather more information and make informed decisions based on the results of the investigation.

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Why does an investigator change the value of a variable parameter during in investigation?

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Anything that causes and object to move or change its speed or change its direction is called what?

A force.

Which variable will you change in your investigation?

I will change the independent variable in my investigation. This variable is the one I manipulate or control to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

Why is only variable changed in an investigation?

You only change one variable in an investigation because if you change more than one you won't know which change affected the data.

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What is the variable that you change in an experiment is called?

The variable that is intentionally changed in an experiment is called the independent variable. This variable is manipulated by the experimenter to observe its effects on the dependent variable, which is the outcome being measured.

Will it change the outcome if you use less poppy seeds in poppy seed muffins than called for?

no, it matter of the ingrediants like liquid and dry measurements.

What is something you change in an experiment to effect the outcome?

A variable.