Statistics is used in many places especially when you are the head of a business and you need to calculate probability and things like that.
statistics brings out d facts in u
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There are many applications of statistics in education. Statistics are used to better prepare students for the real world and testing for example.
Application of definitApplication of definite Integral in the real life
Statistics found in your daily life include the dollar amounts of bills you have to pay. Statistics are also used in weather forecasts and the stock market.
statistics brings out d facts in u
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There are many applications of statistics in education. Statistics are used to better prepare students for the real world and testing for example.
Application of definitApplication of definite Integral in the real life
The meaning of contemporary mathematics and statistics is the research and application of arithmetic and figures in real life. It involves focusing on items like graphical models, arrays, patterned matrices, and more.
Statistics found in your daily life include the dollar amounts of bills you have to pay. Statistics are also used in weather forecasts and the stock market.
Yes, they are used.
In real life application, isometric drawing is used in the design of the video games.
There are no real life applications of reciprocal functions
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specifis application of statistics to economics or business
Psychological statistics is the application of statistics to psychology.