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It is use to fail the engineering students in final exam....

best use of it to make the student,s life hell....

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Q: Applications of partial derivatives in engineering?
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What are the applications of partial derivatives in real analysis?

what are the applications of partial derivative in real analysis.

What are the applications of partial derivatives in engineering field?

Derivatives can be used for numerous applications from determining the volume of different shapes to analyzing anything from water and heat flow. Yet the applications vary greatly between the engineering disciplines and the answer would be quite different for chemical engineers than for applied physics engineers. Derivatives can be used for numerous applications from determining the volume of different shapes to analyzing anything from water and heat flow. Yet the applications vary greatly between the engineering disciplines and the answer would be quite different for chemical engineers than for applied physics engineers.

Why is the partial differential equation important?

Partial differential equations are great in calculus for making multi-variable equations simpler to solve. Some problems do not have known derivatives or at least in certain levels in your studies, you don't possess the tools needed to find the derivative. So, using partial differential equations, you can break the problem up, and find the partial derivatives and integrals.

What is geometrical representation of partial derivatives?

The partial derivative of z=f(x,y) have a simple geometrical representation. Suppose the graph of z = f (x y) is the surface shown. Consider the partial derivative of f with respect to x at a point. Holding y constant and varying x, we trace out a curve that is the intersection of the surface with the vertical plane. The partial derivative measures the change in z per unit increase in x along this curve. Thus, it is just the slope of the curve at a value of x. The geometrical interpretation of is analogous in both types of derivatives, i.e., Ordinary and Partial Derivatives

What are the practical applications of limits of function?

well derivatives cannt be used without limits so it is application for calculus

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What are the applications of partial derivatives in real analysis?

what are the applications of partial derivative in real analysis.

What are the applications of partial derivatives in engineering field?

Derivatives can be used for numerous applications from determining the volume of different shapes to analyzing anything from water and heat flow. Yet the applications vary greatly between the engineering disciplines and the answer would be quite different for chemical engineers than for applied physics engineers. Derivatives can be used for numerous applications from determining the volume of different shapes to analyzing anything from water and heat flow. Yet the applications vary greatly between the engineering disciplines and the answer would be quite different for chemical engineers than for applied physics engineers.

What do you learn in calculus?

In Calculus, you learn Limits, Derivatives, Anti-Derivatives and all their applications!

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Poisson's equation is a partial differential equation of elliptic type. it is used in electrostatics, mechanical engineering and theoretical physics.

What are the uses of derivatives in electrical engineering?

When you are talking about field and line calculations, complex differential equations are sometimes the best way to represent electrical characteristics. current and voltage in AC applications is defined using differential equations. You may use derivatives in control system modelling. There are many others.

Why is the partial differential equation important?

Partial differential equations are great in calculus for making multi-variable equations simpler to solve. Some problems do not have known derivatives or at least in certain levels in your studies, you don't possess the tools needed to find the derivative. So, using partial differential equations, you can break the problem up, and find the partial derivatives and integrals.

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Second order derivative is used in many fields of engineering. One of its application is used in solving problems related to dynamics of rigid bodies and in determination of forces and strength of materials.

What is geometrical representation of partial derivatives?

The partial derivative of z=f(x,y) have a simple geometrical representation. Suppose the graph of z = f (x y) is the surface shown. Consider the partial derivative of f with respect to x at a point. Holding y constant and varying x, we trace out a curve that is the intersection of the surface with the vertical plane. The partial derivative measures the change in z per unit increase in x along this curve. Thus, it is just the slope of the curve at a value of x. The geometrical interpretation of is analogous in both types of derivatives, i.e., Ordinary and Partial Derivatives

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hahahah owned nubie

What is the formula of the divergence of the function?

The divergence of the function is generally a cross product of partial derivatives and the vector field of F. Mathematically, the formula is: div(F) = ∂P/∂x i + ∂Q/∂y j + ∂R/∂z k where: F = Pi + Qj + Rk has the continuous partial derivatives.

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the functions and applications of mechanical engineering to other field of discipline