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Not necessarily. In fact Euclid's axioms establish the existence of a line as being defined by two points, and the existence of a point that is not on that line.

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Q: Are 3 points collinear in euclidean geometry?
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How many different planes can pass through 3 non-collinear points?

In Euclidean geometry, only one.

How many lines contain n points with no 3 points collinear?

None. In ordinary geometry, a line contains an infinite number of points and, by definition, they are all collinear. In projective geometry, however, you can have three lines in the form of a triangle. Each line has only two points on it, so it cannot have 3 points collinear.

Are 3 points collinear?

A set of 3 points will always be coplanar, but will only sometimes be collinear. Collinear points are always coplanar as well.

Is 3 points coplanar colinear?

3 coplanar points may or may not be collinear. 3 collinear points must be coplanar.

What is the greatest number of planes that can pass throughg 3 collinear points?

If the points are collinear, the number of possible planes is infinite. If the points are not collinear, the number of possible planes is ' 1 '.

Are three points always collinear?

No but they are always coplanar.

How many straight lines can be formed with 3 collinear points?

only 1 lines can contain 3 collinear points. Maybe you mean coplanar?

What is non colinear point?

non collinear point or points? no collinear points are points not on the same line. keep in mind that you have to have at least 3 points to make that happen.

How many line can contain 3 non collinear points?

Two intersecting lines can always cover three non-collinear points.

Does collinear have three points?

Collinear means in the same straight line. And since a line consists of an infinite number of points, collinear has an infinite number of points - not just 3. n the other hand, while any two points must be collinear (they have to both be on the line that joins them), it is always possible to find a third point which is not collinear with the first two (Euclid).

How many points can be on one plane?

A minimum of three points are required to define a plne (if they are not collinear). And in projective geometry you can have a plane with only 3 points. Boring, but true. In normal circumstances, a plane will have infinitely many points. Not only that, there are infinitely many in the tiniest portion of the plane.

What will any 3 non-collinear points form?

A plane