The positive integer factors of 991 are: 1, 991
991 and 1.991 is a prime number and only has factors of 1 and 991.
991 is a prime, the others are composite.
Yes, 991 is a prime number. It has no factors other than 1 and itself.
991 is a prime and so has no proper factors.
I am uncertain if that particular statistic is accurate, but the vast majority of collisions ARE caused by driver inattention or error.
The positive integer factors of 991 are: 1, 991
1 and 991
Examples of super elastic collisions include collisions between two superballs or collisions between an electron and a positron. In these collisions, kinetic energy is increased after the collision due to the conservation of momentum and conservation of kinetic energy principles.
991 and 1.991 is a prime number and only has factors of 1 and 991.
Pressure is the effect of collisions with molecules. KMT -- molecules have kinetic energy due to their temperature which imparts more velocity, hence kinetic energy, to the molecules. All gases have KE due to temperature. IF absolute zero was ever achieved there would be no kinetic energy in the molecules, no molecular motion, no collisions, no pressure.
991 is already prime. No tree is required.
sqrt(991) = 31.480 (to 5 sf)