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Algebra: If given two equations of a line, then you can assume that they are in the same plain. If the two slopes are equal, then the lines are parallel.

Geometry: If given two lines in the same plane that never intersect, then these two lines are parallel. If the lines are in different planes, but never intersect, then the lines are skew.

So, both definitions use lines and a plane. The answer is yes.

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Q: Are a line and a plain are needed to define parallel lines?
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What do you call lines in a plain that do not meet?

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In a 2 dimensional plain they would have to be parallel in order to have no common point; in a 3 dimensional field they do not have to be parallel.

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Do you mean non intersecting? Because then you might be talking about parallel

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ordinary simple not elaborate

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TRUE:: The first two lines lie in the same plain, but are perpendicular to each other. The third line passes through the plane of the first two lines so it is also perpendicular. Think 3-dimension. !!!!!

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an octagon.

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On a map that uses contour lines to represent height, a flat plain should show very few (if any) contour lines.