Yes, that is true. With all positive fractions that can be reduced, the numerator becomes a smaller positive whole number. There is no smaller positive whole number than one, therefore all fractions that have a numerator of 1 are in their simplest form. You can tell if a fraction is in its simplest form by finding the the GCF of the nmerator and the denominator. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form. The GCF of any number and 1 is 1, therefore all fractions that have a numerator of 1 are in their simplest form.
Basically yes. If you want to be pedantic about it, though, there is the exception when the denominator is negative. Convention requires the simplest form to have a negative numerator (-1) and a positive denominator.
They have the same numerator (1) but different denominators. Since the numerator is 1 in each fraction, it cannot be simplified therefore each unit fraction is in its simplest form. Then, because the denominators of any two of them are different the fractions must be different.
When they are all converted to simplest form, they are all the same.
There are an infinite number of equivalent fractions. The simplest form is 9/10.
Yes, that is true. With all positive fractions that can be reduced, the numerator becomes a smaller positive whole number. There is no smaller positive whole number than one, therefore all fractions that have a numerator of 1 are in their simplest form. You can tell if a fraction is in its simplest form by finding the the GCF of the nmerator and the denominator. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form. The GCF of any number and 1 is 1, therefore all fractions that have a numerator of 1 are in their simplest form.
All fractions with a numerator (top number) of 1 are in simplest form because 1 is the smallest whole number there is and cannot be divided into anything smaller and still be a whole number.
Basically yes. If you want to be pedantic about it, though, there is the exception when the denominator is negative. Convention requires the simplest form to have a negative numerator (-1) and a positive denominator.
They have the same numerator (1) but different denominators. Since the numerator is 1 in each fraction, it cannot be simplified therefore each unit fraction is in its simplest form. Then, because the denominators of any two of them are different the fractions must be different.
Fractions come in all sizes. 1/2 = 2/4 = 3/6 = 4/8 The smallest of these is known as the simplest form.
Any fraction where the numerator and the denominator have a GCF of 1 is in its simplest form. Consecutive integers have a GCF of 1. 89/90 is in its simplest form.
When they are all converted to simplest form, they are all the same.
Some are and some are not.Decimal fractions which are neither terminating nor recurring represent irrational numbers.A fraction in the form of a ratio, in its simplest form, where either the numerator or the denominator is irrational (or both) are irrational.
1/2. 2/3. 6/7 . 1/1000000 )That is ' one over one million). Are all simplest form fractions, because you cannot cancel down (reduce) the fraction. By comparison 2/4 is NOT the simplest form because it can be reduced by '2' to '1/2'. Similarly 2/1000000 is not the simplest form because, again it can be reduced by '2' Hence 1/500000 is the simplest form .
There are an infinite number of equivalent fractions. The simplest form is 9/10.
Equivalent fractions of 3/100 can be found by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the same non-zero value. For example, 6/200, 9/300, and 12/400 are all equivalent fractions of 3/100. These fractions all represent the same value, but are written in different forms.
irreducible fraction An irreducible fraction (or fraction in lowest terms, simplest form or reduced fraction) is a fraction in which the numerator and denominator are integers that have no other common divisors than 1 (and −1, when negative numbers are considered).