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Q: Are all geometric sequences Exponential
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Arithmetic sequences are to linear functions as geometric sequences are to what?

Exponentail functions

What is the diffeence between the term to term rule and the common difference in maths?

The common difference does not tell you the location of the sequence. For example, 3, 6, 9, 12, ... and 1, 4, 7, 10, .., or 1002, 1005, 1008, 1011, ... all have a common difference of 3 but it should be clear that the three sequences are different. A common difference is applicable to arithmetic sequences, not others such as geometric or exponential sequences.

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How do you solve geometric sequence and series?

There can be no solution to geometric sequences and series: only to specific questions about them.

Why belong exponential family for poisson distribution or geometric distribution?

Why belong exponential family for poisson distribution

How do arithmetic and geometric sequences compare to continuous functions?

an arithmetic sequeunce does not have the sum to infinty, and a geometric sequence has.

How do you solve this word problem about geometric sequences?

Follow this method:

How do you work out fraction sequences?

The answer depends on the nature of the sequence: there is no single method which will work for sequences which are arithmetic , geometric, exponential, or recursively defined.

What is the formula for non arithmetic and geometric sequences?

because starwars is awesome

What are some examples of geometric?

There aren't any. Geometric is an adjective and you need a noun to go with it before it is possible to consider answering the question. There are geometric sequences, geometric means, geometric theories, geometric shapes. I cannot guess what your question is about.

Whose distribution belong exponential family?

Poisson distribution or geometric distribution