No, none of rectange is parallelogram, as to a polygon has to be parallelogram when it follows following conditions:
It must have 4 sides, and the oppostie side have to parallel to each other.
As no triangle fulfill this condition so no triangle is parallelogram.
Yes all rectangles are parallelogram but all parallelogram cannot be rectangles.
A parallelogram where all sides are equal is a square.
Yes.A parallelogram with all congruent sides is called a rhombus. A square is technically a parallelogram with all congruent sides as well.
A rectangle is a parallelogram but a parallelogram is not a rectangle. A rectangle needs all 90 degree angles but a parallelogram dosnt.
A rhombus is a parallelogram, but a parallelogram isn't always a rhombus. A rhombus is a parallelogram where all the lines are the same length.
Yes all rectangles are parallelogram but all parallelogram cannot be rectangles.
A parallelogram where all sides are equal is a square.
Yes.A parallelogram with all congruent sides is called a rhombus. A square is technically a parallelogram with all congruent sides as well.
A rectangle is a parallelogram but a parallelogram is not a rectangle. A rectangle needs all 90 degree angles but a parallelogram dosnt.
A rhombus is a parallelogram, but a parallelogram isn't always a rhombus. A rhombus is a parallelogram where all the lines are the same length.
Not unless all angles are also equal. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal. A rectangle is a parallelogram with all angles equal. A square is a rhombus with all angles equal which is a parallelogram with all sides equal and all angles equal.
A square is a parallelogram, but not all parallelograms are squares.
Because a rectangle is a parallelogram.
A parallelogram is a 4 sided quadrilateral.
All you need is a big enough parallelogram.
If the sides of a parallelogram are all of the same length then it is a rhombus. Thus, a rhombus is a special type of parallelogram.
A parallelogram is a square when all 4 angles of the parallelogram are equal to 90 degrees and all 4 sides are congruent to each other