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Not necessarily.

Usually only the opposite side are of equal length.

If all 4 sides are of the same length, the parallelogram is [also] called a rhombus.

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Q: Are all side of a parallelogram the same length?
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Related questions

Why is a rhombus special?

A rhombus is a special case of a parallelogram where all side are the same length.

A parallelogram with all side the same length but no a rectangle?

It could be either of the following: * Rhombus - A parallelogram with four sides of equal length. * Square - A parallelogram with four sides of equal length and four angles of equal size (right angles).

How is a rhombus the same as a parallelogram?

A rhombus is a parallelogram, but a parallelogram isn't always a rhombus. A rhombus is a parallelogram where all the lines are the same length.

How can you find the area of a parallelogram if you only know the side lengths?

The area of a parallelogram is equal to base times height. You can find the maximum area of a parallelogram by multiplying the length of a short side by the length of a long side. (This would be the area if the parallelogram were a rectangle.)You cannot know the area of a parallelogram if all you know is the length of the sides; you can only know the maximumpossible area. Imagine you slant the parallelogram a lot. The area will decrease, but the side lengths will stay the same.

Does a parallelogram have all sides the same length?


Are all the side of a parallelogram the same?


Parallelogram with all sides the same length?

A square.

A parallelogram with all sides the same length?

A rhombus

Can a parallelogram be a rhombus?

If the sides of a parallelogram are all of the same length then it is a rhombus. Thus, a rhombus is a special type of parallelogram.

How can you convince me that a rhombus is a parallelogram but a parallelogram is not a rhombus?

A parallelogram requires that opposite sides are parallel and of the same length; it is not a requirement that all four sides are of the same length. A rhombus requires that opposite sides are parallel and all four sides are of the same length. It is possible that a parallelogram can have all four sides of the same length; when it does it now fulfils the requirements of a rhombus, and so is a rhombus. Thus a rhombus is a type of parallelogram (all rhombuses are parallelograms), but there are parallelograms which are not rhombuses (those where there are two sides of one length (opposite and parallel) and the other two sides of a different length).

Is rhombus and parallelogram the same?

yes * * * * * No, it is not. A rhombus is a special kind of parallelogram. In a rhombus all four sides are of the same length: that is not necessarily the case for a parallelogram.

A parallelogram with all sides the same length but not a rectangle?
