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Yes. One right angle forces all the others to be right angles as well. And since the sides are all equal, you are left with a square.

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Q: Are any rhombus with one right angles a square?
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How many right angles are there in a rhombus?

A rhombus normally has no right angles (at the vertices). If a rhombus has right angles (at the vertices), it is called a square. The diagonals of a rhombus meet at right angles.

Does A square has 4 right angles but a rhombus does not always have 4 right angles?

Yes a square always has 4 right angles but a rhombus never has any right angles.

Has a rhombus got any right angles?

If the rhombus is a square, it has 4 right angles. otherwise, no.

Is a square and a rhombus the same?

No. Any square is also a rhombus, but the reverse is not true. A rhombus is a parallelogram having all four sides equal. A square is a rhombus in which all the angles are right angles.

How many right angles are there in a rombose?

A rhombus doesn't need any right angles to be a rhombus, although it can have them if it wants to. If a rhombus has right angles, then it's a square. And if it has one right angle, then it must have four of them.

Does a rombus have any right angles?

A Rhombus with right angles is known as a square. At least that's the way it's written in the definition. Yes, to answer your question, a rhombus can have right angles.

How can a quadrilateral be classified as a rhombus but not a square?

A square must have 4 parallel sides of equal length and 4 right angles, a rhombus does not need to have any right angles (but can include one or more right angles).

A rhombus that is not square?

Any rhombus that does not have a right angle

What shape is a squshed square without any right angles?

A rhombus

Does a diamond have any right angles?

A diamond is also known as a rhombus. A rhombus can have right angles except that it then also becomes a square.

Does the shape Rhombus have any right angles?

It doesn't have to, but it can. When it does, it's called a "square".

What quadrilaterals have 4 congruent sides and 4 congruent angles?

A rhombus is a quadrilateral whose four sides are congruent. Squares are a type of rhombus with congruent angles. Since there are 4 contruent angles, they must all be right angles.So any quadrilateral that is equilateral is a rhombus and any rhombus with 4 right angles is a square. Every rhombus is a parallelogram because the opposite angles of a rhombus are congruent. Also, the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular.