Yes, it has good vitamins in
Apples are a fruit with some good nutritional value. They are a sweet alternative to eating junk food and many people feel the nutrients in apples will keep the doctor away.
The Rubner rule apples to animals that maintain their body temperature at a steady level. Their metabolic rate is approximately proportional to the surface area of the body.The Rubner rule apples to animals that maintain their body temperature at a steady level. Their metabolic rate is approximately proportional to the surface area of the body.The Rubner rule apples to animals that maintain their body temperature at a steady level. Their metabolic rate is approximately proportional to the surface area of the body.The Rubner rule apples to animals that maintain their body temperature at a steady level. Their metabolic rate is approximately proportional to the surface area of the body.
In good physical health
The three elements of health are: body structure, body chemistry, and the mental. It is believed that all 3 are equally important to optimal health and well-being. mental, physical, and social
Yes because they bring you health and they also clean your teeth.
Apples have many health benefits including that they are high in antioxidants, especially in the peel. Apples are good for cutting the risk of diabetes, cancer, and stroke.
Apples are a good snack because they give you nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy.
Apples are generally good for the whole body, but they are necessary in the development of teenage males as a good source of nutrition for their Adam's apple.
to be good our health
The body needs about 16 essential minerals to maintain good health.
Da. Squash does can have health for body. good sportivo. Make strong body. Make strong mind. Good for health. See own Ministry Health in Moscow.
When you have tested your self and found out that you have no disease and infection in the body. Then you can you have a good health
The immune system kills bacteria in the body and helps to maintain good health.
Are you actually kidding me.
why am i craving apples ? Apples contain calories in the form of sugars and starches. Apples also contain soluble fiber which is important to keep the lower digestive system functioning. Apples contain a very small amount of vitamin C, which is not very significant for most people, but in some places and times it was all that stood between health and scurvy. The texture of apples may be good for teeth and gums. And hey! There is nothing like a really well made apple pie. Seriously.