

Are both eyes the same size?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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9y ago

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The eyes are usually not the same size. The other may be slightly larger or smaller than the other. This condition is called asymmetric eyes. This may be caused by the differences in the bony orbit, the eyelid, or the eyebrow. Asymmetric eyes may be corrected by plastic surgery.

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No, eyes can vary in size among individuals. Factors such as genetics, age, and underlying health conditions can influence the size and shape of a person's eyes.

Your eyes are always the same size from birth?

No, your eyes do grow. Slightly however. An infant's eyes are about 19mm and will grow to 24-25mm in adulthood. This appearingly slight growth may be cause for many to believe that the same size eyes you're born with are the same size eyes you possess as an adult, however this just isn't the case.

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if the question askes are all living creatures eyes the same size occurding to their kind of animal then , yes but some eyes may be more out then others

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Of course not. Not even in the same person. One of the rules in science is that everything is a different size until you get to molecules and atoms. What you may be looking for is: The only thing humans have as a baby that is the same size as an adult is their eyes. So yes, they are the same size throughout your lifetime.

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Yes, varying only in size.