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No; circumcision does not affect the length of penises. It does affect the length of time you spend online asking questions about your dick.

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Q: Are circumcised penises smaller than uncircumcised ones?
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Why do penises smell?

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Some do and some don't. It depends on the person's own preferences. Some women argue that circumcised penises have a more sanitary and pleasant appearance, while others argue that uncircumcised penises provide a better sexual experience.

Is there any relation between pre-ejaculation and circumcision?

No. Yes Dr. George Denniston at 3:07pm ET Circumcision removes half of the normal skin of the penis. It contains thousands of specialized nerve endings, just like the ones in the lips. Since America has a high incidence of impotence and of circumcision, we don't have to prove anything. A doctor who does this unnecessary procedure must have to demonstrate that it does not harm, does not cause impotence and he cannot.

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