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Usually up and down.

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Q: Are columns up and down or side to side?
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Are rows up and down or side to side?

Rows are usually considered side to side. Columns are up and down.

Which way to rows go?


Which way do horizontal lines go?

horizontal lines run from side to side... left to right or right to left... like looking out on the horizon

Rows go up and down?

No - columns go up and down.

What direction are columns in Excel?

Columns are vertical, so they go up and down.

How does columns run in Microsoft Excel?

Columns are vertical cells (they run up and down).

When reading a number chart which are rows and which are columns?

Rows go across and columns go up and down.

Do columns go up and down or left or right?

Columns are vertical, so go up and down. The first column is column A, the second column B and so on. You will see these at the head of the columns. Rows go across and are numbered.

Where was the columns of the globe theatre?

The columns held up the roof that covered the rear half of the stage; so the columns would be about midstage on either side of the roof.

Do columns go up and down or right to left?

Columns are vertical, so go up and down. The first column is column A, the second column B and so on. You will see these at the head of the columns. Rows go across and are numbered.

Does Chinese writing go up and down or side to side?

Chinese writing goes from top to bottom, starting from the top right corner and moving downwards in columns. In some cases, it can also be written from left to right in rows.

Is horizontal up and down or side to side?

Horizontal ; Side to side Vertical ; Up and down .