As a general rule YES!!! .
One notable exception is the country named 'The Vatican City'. it is a country of 44 acres in area, and wholly contained in the City of Rome, Italy.
0.85 is smaller than 1. 3.4 is bigger than 1. "Bigger than 1" is bigger than "smaller than 1".
52ounces is bigger than
A millenium is bigger than century
Billion is bigger than million
0.015 is bigger than 0.0069
19 countries are bigger than the UK
Brazil is one of the biggest developing countries. It's between the 9th and the 11th bigger economy in the world. Richer than some developed countries. if you are surprised with it... I'll tell you something you probably never though about: there are also roads, where cars go to cities, bigger than most of the European and American cities... it's a country as any other
The US, Russia, China, Brazil and Canada are among the countries that are bigger than Sweden.
Some countries are bigger than states, some aren't.
i think saudia arabia and Oman are bigger than uae
The 16 states in Poland are:DolnoslaskieKujawsko-PomorskieLodzkieLubelskieLubuskieMalopolskieMazowieckieOpolskiePodkarpackiePodlaskiePomorskieSlaskieSwietokrzyskieWarminsko-MazurskieWielkopolskieZachodnio-Pomorskie
No. Rome had a million.
because some countries have more major cities that could host than others
Algeria and Zarie.
It depends on the specific countries being compared. Generally, Asia is the largest continent in terms of land area, while Europe is smaller in comparison. However, there are individual Asian countries that are smaller than certain European countries.