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This kind of data is qualitative, meaning it is an observation of a particular facet of the observed thing. Quantitative date is numerically-based.

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Reyna Rice

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Q: Are data at nominal level of measurement quantitative or qualitative?
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Are data at the nominal level of measurement qualitative or quantitative?

This kind of data is qualitative, meaning it is an observation of a particular facet of the observed thing. Quantitative date is numerically-based.

What is nominal level of measurement?

Nominal level of measurement is defined as the level of measurement that classifies variables by assigning names or categories that are mutually exclusive and exhaustive. It was often called qualitative scales, and measurements made on qualitative scales were called qualitative data. Examples are gender, nationality, ethnicity, language, genre, style, biological species, and form.

What level of measurement is what is your major?

That would be a nominal measurement.

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It is nominal.

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The level of measurement of a bar code is nominal.

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Is a bar code a ratio level of measurement?

No, it is nominal.

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It is a quantitative property because a substance toxic level can be measured and assigned a value Save

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It would be a nominal level of measurement. Each choice would be unique but there is no value attached to them

What is the level of measurement for Year of Birth nominal or ordinal?

Year of birth is interval level of measurement; age is ratio.