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Q: Are days and night always the same length?
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At which place on earth is the length of the day always same as the length of the night?

That would be the equator.

How many days are in a year why does it happen?

Most years have 365 days, but there are also leap years that have 366 days. The length of the year is designed to give us consistent seasons. The planet Earth travels in its orbit around the sun in a year. Because the length of the year in days is the same as the length of the orbit, we always have winter and other seasons during the same months.

What part of your body is always the same length as your thumb?

Your earlobes are always the same length as your thumb.

What is it when day and night are the same length?

An Equinox

What word is used when the days and nights are at their most extreme?

Winter solstice is the longest night, summer solstice is the longest day. Opposite is equinox when night and day are exactly the same length.

What is the phenomenon called when day and night are the same length?

The length of day and night is equal at the Vernal and Autumnal equinox.

How many days are there in March 2012?

The month of March has 31 days in 2012, and it has 31 days every year. In fact, the only month that does not always have the same number of days every year is February. That is the only month whose length varies. All the others have a fixed length.

The average length of the menstrual cycle?

The typical menstrual cycle length is around 28 days long, but everyone is different. Menstrual cycles will not always be the same length, up to a weeks variation from your average cycle is normal.

Are day and night equal really equal on the equinox?

Yes, during an equinox the length of the day and the length of the night are actually the same.

When are day and night the same?

Answer:They never are. Night officially begins at 12:00 PM and ends at 11:59 PM. Day officially starts at 12:00 AM and ends at 11:59 AM.Answer:Twice a year, at approximately the vernal (spring) and autumnal (fall) equinoxes, the length of the day equals the length of the night - 12 hours apiece - all over the planet.Otherwise, day and night are always the same length only at points along the Earth's equator.

What is special about the equinoxes?

At the equinox night and day are the same length.

At which place on Earth is the length of the day the same as the length of the night?

march 21st and September 21st