As proper nouns they should be written with an initial uppercase letter followed by the rest of the letters in lowercase.
March always has 31 days.
April always has 30 days. of course it does i was born in that month
A month always has 28 or more days, so as there are 7 days in a week there are always at least 4 Saturdays and four Sundays in a month. As most months have more than 28 days, there can be up to 5 Saturdays and up to 5 Sundays in a month.
It always changes, It depends on how many days a month. Usually 4 or 5
8 to 10 weekend days per month. You will always have at least 8. There are 104 weekend days each year so you would have 8.6666 per month.
These are lowercase letters : abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz These are uppercase letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ They are called "uppercase" and "lowercase" because in the days when printing was done using lead type, the printer compiling the text kept the capital letters in the "upper row" and the small letters in the "lower row" so that they were sorted out ready to hand when needed.
These are lowercase letters : abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz These are uppercase letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ They are called "uppercase" and "lowercase" because in the days when printing was done using lead type, the printer compiling the text kept the capital letters in the "upper row" and the small letters in the "lower row" so that they were sorted out ready to hand when needed.
For example, box is in lowercase while BOX is in uppercase. The term is a vestige of the days when typesetters kept capital letters in a box above the lowercase letters. A program that distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase is said to be case sensitive.
March always has 31 days.
March always has 31 days.
January has 31 days, as it always did have
April always has 30 days. of course it does i was born in that month
A month always has 28 or more days, so as there are 7 days in a week there are always at least 4 Saturdays and four Sundays in a month. As most months have more than 28 days, there can be up to 5 Saturdays and up to 5 Sundays in a month.
It always changes, It depends on how many days a month. Usually 4 or 5
8 to 10 weekend days per month. You will always have at least 8. There are 104 weekend days each year so you would have 8.6666 per month.
In French, the names of months are not capitalized unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence.
The month of August is agosto, lowercase A.(Spanish, French, and many other languages do not capitalize names of days or months.)agosto es 'August' en espanol.