Of course! Without decimals, you couldn't calculate percentages or fractions. Decimals allow you to break a number up. A decimal is basically a fraction, and when you calculate fraction adding, subtraction, multiplication, and division, sometimes it is easier to calculate a fraction by first changing it to a decimal instead.
Really? whole numbers are like dollar bills. if there is no change then $1.00 can be just $1 a whole number, no decimals, and so can all other total dollar amounts.
no...litre is a metric unit of measurement...decimals are just numbers
yes just if you are using decimals put the whole number then a line then all the numbers after dp in a row
"Integers" are all numbers, positive and negative, that aren't fractions or decimals. Examples: -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,57, 109349503... Whole numbers are all positive integers. (Including zero, which looks like a "hole". haha.) Examples: 0,1,2,3,4... counting numbers are just like whole numbers except they don't include zero. Also known as "natural" numbers. It's like what people naturally count. Examples: 1,2,3,4... They are ALL integers though...no fractions or decimals.
If you mean part of whole numbers, its fractions. If you just mean another word for whole numbers, i think its just...whole numbers.
It can be same because it,s just the decimal
Mean- add all the numbers together and divide by how many there are just like you do with whole numbers. Median- put the decimals in order from smallest to largest then find the middle number just like you do with whole numbers. Mode- find which decimal is repeated the most like you do with whole numbers. So you pretty much do the same thing for all of these that you do with whole numbers Hope this helped =)
it would just be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 all the way do 50 without fractions and decimals
Percents are basically decimals, and we use decimals as numbers with extra, tiny proportions. Percents are just ways to make those decimals into a whole, more friendlier number. But, percents can also be made with decimals as well.
Adding and subtracting decimals is easy. When you put the numbers one above the other, line up the decimals vertically and treat as you would any whole number just keep the decimals in line and bring it straight down to your answer.
Really? whole numbers are like dollar bills. if there is no change then $1.00 can be just $1 a whole number, no decimals, and so can all other total dollar amounts.
0.926 decimals are just the same as whole numbers - if you imagine it without the 0. in front of the numbers then it easier to work out which one is the largest.
no...litre is a metric unit of measurement...decimals are just numbers
yes just if you are using decimals put the whole number then a line then all the numbers after dp in a row
"Integers" are all numbers, positive and negative, that aren't fractions or decimals. Examples: -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,57, 109349503... Whole numbers are all positive integers. (Including zero, which looks like a "hole". haha.) Examples: 0,1,2,3,4... counting numbers are just like whole numbers except they don't include zero. Also known as "natural" numbers. It's like what people naturally count. Examples: 1,2,3,4... They are ALL integers though...no fractions or decimals.
If you mean part of whole numbers, its fractions. If you just mean another word for whole numbers, i think its just...whole numbers.
You divide decimals like you normally would divide two numbers. Just make sure your decimals get in the right spot and your good! :)