

Are droplets the same size

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Are droplets the same size
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What fluid that reduces the size of fat droplets?

Bile, produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, aids in the digestion and absorption of fats by reducing the size of fat droplets in the small intestine.

What happens to the size of the drops of fat in milk when milk is homogenized?

Its gonna get smaller because in fresh milk there is cream at the top and when milk is homogenized it blends together wich makes it smaller.Fat droplets are forced through small openings at high pressure during homogenisation. This makes the droplets smaller, of the same size and evenly distributed in the milk. Because of this the droplets will take much longer to aggregate and float to the top of the milk.

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What size range are the droplets from fine sprays?

100 to 400 microns

Does clouds have water droplets?

By definition, a cloud is microscopic water droplets. Brought down to earth level, a cloud is called "fog" - which is the same thing: microscopic water droplets.

How does rain come in droplet form?

Rain forms when water droplets in clouds combine and grow in size. When these droplets become too heavy to remain in the air, they fall to the ground as precipitation. The size of the rain droplets can vary depending on the atmospheric conditions and the temperature of the air.

Which is true about water droplets in clouds?

Water droplets in clouds are small liquid particles that form when water vapor in the air condenses around tiny particles called cloud condensation nuclei. These droplets can collide and combine to form larger droplets, eventually leading to precipitation. The size of the water droplets in clouds determines whether they remain suspended in the cloud or fall as rain.

What happens to water vapor before clouds form?

Water vapor undergoes condensation as it cools and condenses into tiny water droplets. These droplets combine and grow in size to form cloud droplets.

How do water droplets falling out of a thundercloud get bigger as they fall towards the earth's surface?

As water droplets fall from a thundercloud, they encounter other water droplets and become more massive through coalescence, where smaller droplets combine to form larger ones. The impact of gravity also causes the droplets to accelerate, which can lead to collision with other droplets, further increasing their size before reaching the Earth's surface.

What is water droplets at least 0.5 millimeters in diameter?

Water droplets at least 0.5 millimeters in diameter are considered raindrops. These larger raindrops typically form in more intense rain showers or storms, as they have had more time to grow in size by merging with other droplets.

Small droplets of condensed air moisture?

Those are known as water droplets, formed from the condensation of moisture in the air. This occurs when warm air comes into contact with a cooler surface, causing the air to release its moisture in the form of liquid droplets.

How does the particle size of a liquid a solid and a gas compare?

Particles in a gas have the smallest size and are the most spread out, particles in a liquid are larger than in a gas and are more closely packed, and particles in a solid are the largest and are tightly packed in a regular pattern.