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yes i believe so

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Q: Are edges of a polyhedron are the line segments bordering each face?
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Is it true or false the edges of a polyhedron are the line segments bordering each face?

Heck ya its tru!

The faces of a polyhedron are the line segments connecting each vertex.?

Not quite. Those line segments are the lines which are the edges of the faces.

What shape has 12 edges and is a polyhedron and each face is a triangle?


Do all polyhedrons have 2 edges that meet at each vertex?

No. For example, a cube is a polyhedron and 3 edges meet at each vertex.

How many edges of all the polyhedrons meet at each vertex?

The answer will depend on the polyhedron, but often it is 3.The answer will depend on the polyhedron, but often it is 3.The answer will depend on the polyhedron, but often it is 3.The answer will depend on the polyhedron, but often it is 3.

How many edges are in a polyhedron?

Euler's formula is:V + F - E= 2V = the number of vertices, each point where three or more edges intersect.E = the number of edges, each intersection of the faces.F = the number of faces, each plane polygon.

What does Polyhedron mean in maths?

I don't know if this is correct.In geometry, a polyhedron is a three-dimensional solid formed from flat planar faces with straight edges. For a regularpolyhedron, each side has the same shape and dimensions.

What does polyhedron mean in Greek?

It is Greek for "having many bases".In geometry, a polyhedron is a three-dimensional solid formed from flat planar faces with straight edges. For a regularpolyhedron, each side has the same shape and dimensions.

What is the difference between a polyhedron and a regular polyhedron?

A Polyhedron is a closed plane figure whose faces are portions of planes. Prisms and pyramids are examples of Polyhedron's. While a Regular Polyhedron is a Polyhedron whose facces are all regular Polygons and whose Vertices are all alike. There are only five Regular Polyhedron's: Tetahedron , Octahedron , Icosahedron , Hexahedron , and Dodecahedron .To clarify, there are five known Platonic Solids: regular polyhedrons which are convex on all their vertices.The tetrahedron is also known as the triangular pyramid: a regular one has an identical equilateral triangle for each of its four faces. This is the one Platonic solid which is self-dual, as each face has three sides and each vertex joins three edges.The regular hexahedron is better known as the cube: each of its six faces is a square, and each vertex joins three edges. Its dual counterpart is the regular octahedron. In this case, each of its eight faces is three-sides (an equilateral triangle) and each vertex joins four edges. To picture the octahedron, think two square pyramids mated on their square faces, leaving only the triangular faces.Finally, there is the regular dodecahedron (12 faces), which is composed of regular pentagons (five sides). Each vertex again joins three edges. Its dual counterpart is the regular icosahedron. It has 20 triangular faces, and each vertex joins five edges.

Each surface of a polyhedron is called?

Each surface of a polyhedron is called a face.

What is a tatrahedron?

A tetrahedron is a geometric solid with four triangular faces, six edges, and four vertices. It is a type of polyhedron with triangular faces meeting at each vertex.

What is each polygon of a polyhedron called?

It is called a face of the polyhedron.