Of course, you can only compare a unit of mass with other units of mass.
No - it is also common to use tonnes. 1 tonne = 1000 kilograms.
In principle, you could use units like gigagram (for a million kilograms or a thousand tonnes, this could also be called a kilotonne), teragrams (megatonnes), etc., but these are not in common use.
Kilograms are unit of metric weight measurement, while miles are a unit of imperial distance measurement and therefore not comparable. Perhaps you confused kilo with kilometers or miles with pounds.
pounds is a unit of weight, kilometers is a unit of measurement. pounds to kilograms is 1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms
The metric system uses kilograms as a unit of measurement for mass.
You can convert one unit of measurement into another unit of measurement, such as kilograms to pounds, but you cannot convert a number into a unit of measurement, such as 110.00 to pounds. At least, not unless I want to guess what unit of measurement you are using (kilograms?).
Kilograms in the metric system is used to measure mass and weight.
Kilograms are unit of metric weight measurement, while miles are a unit of imperial distance measurement and therefore not comparable. Perhaps you confused kilo with kilometers or miles with pounds.
pounds is a unit of weight, kilometers is a unit of measurement. pounds to kilograms is 1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms
Kilograms is a unit of mass, while centimeters is a unit of length. The two units measure different things and cannot be converted directly without additional information.
This unit conversion alone is impossible. This is because kilograms is a unit of measurement of weights. Whereas gallons is a unit of measurement of a liquid. If you said 3200 gallons of water then I can find the density of it in kilograms.
kilograms per litre.
kilograms or pounds