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They are quite different things. The relationship between the two is: weight = mass x gravity.

For more information about the difference between the two, check the Wikipedia article on "Mass versus weight".

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Q: Are mass and weight the same or same thing?
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Is Mass the same thing as weight.?

No it is not.

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What data was used to determine if mass and weight is the same thing?

No proper data can be used to determine a falsehood, and since mass and weight are NOT the same thing there can be no such data.

Is the mass of body the same thing as the weight?

No, mass and weight are not the same thing. Mass is a measurement of the amount of matter in an object, and it remains constant regardless of the location. Weight, on the other hand, is a measure of the gravitational force acting on an object, so it can vary depending on the strength of gravity.

Are pounds mass?

Anything that can be weighed in pounds contains mass. But weight and mass are not the same thing.

Are mass and weight equal on earth?

Yes its the same thing.

Would a star have more mass or weight?

Mass and weight are the same thing. *Mass and weight are not the same thing. Mass is the measurement of matter within the object and weight is the force applied to the object from gravity. So, to answer your question a star would have much more mass than weight because there is very little gravity affecting the Sun.

What is a thing that weighs 2kgs when dry?

A kilogram is a measure of mass, not of weight. They are not the same thing!

What are the relations between mass and weight?

The relations between mass and weight are that mass shows how much an object contains. This is about the same thing as weight - how much an object contains.

What measurement is used more often by scientists mass or weight?

they are the same thing.

Are mass and weight the same thing?

No, mass and weight are not the same thing. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while weight is the force of gravity acting on that mass. Mass is constant, but weight can change depending on the gravitational force acting on an object.