

Best Answer

People have been trying to answer this question ever since men and women existed, and that's hundreds of thousands of years! IAMMEANDOLYME's Answer is: Some women are smarter than some men, and some men are smarter than some women. In studies has been proven that girls do better in school than boys, and that boys tend to do better on important tests (SAT, IQ). Some studies that aren't known for their accuracy have found that on average young men (18-25) have IQs that are on average 5 points higher than those of women of the same age. It has also been shown with studies that women have IQs an average of 10-15 points higher than mens once they reach age 40. When figuring out which gender is smarter, you need to remember that not all people in one gender are the same, and there are many factors that can effect a persons IQ score and how smart they are (religion, school, environment, teachers, religion, etc.). That concludes IAMMEANDONLYME's answer.

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Q: Are men or women smarter
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yes in fact women are 67% of the time smarter then men, not saying that men arn't smart but women are often smarter then men so women do have brains.

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No actually men are smarter than women. Men just are lazy

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Because women is scientifically smarter then men

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the do because the women are smarter than men because men brain work like a peanut thinking

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yes women remember more than men because they are smarter!!! hahaha! just joking!

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I say women! =) Women are smarter common sense wise and abstract wise, but usually men are better at math and destroying women

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No, we are equal but each i(men and women) is stronger in different areas which is why we need each other.

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many women did not support women's suffrage

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because it is scientifically proven that men are smarter and think logically, while women think emotionally and make good furies, liers and cheaters that are speciaoised in the art on how to ruin a mans life...

Is it a prove fact that men are smarter then woman?

men are not smarter then woman its aproven fact.everybody knows it and scientest have proved it to be absulutley true.i've read books,looked things up on the computer.they all say the same thing women are smarter then men and men are so much less smarter then woman so so so so much less smarter then woman and if men are really men they'd act like men and deal with the truth.WOMAN ARE SMARTER THEN MEN PERIOD.thats the truth and if you are really men suppusobly you'll deal with it if not then go cry to your mommies like you boys and men always do.